Editor mp3 online

Modifica i file mp3 online gratuitamente, carica il tuo file qui sotto per iniziare

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Facile da usare

Facile da usare

Il nostro strumento gratuito di MP3 Editor è molto semplice da usare. Non è necessaria alcuna conoscenza preliminare di Audio Engineering. Non è nemmeno necessario registrarsi. Basta caricare il tuo audio, modificarlo secondo le tue esigenze e sei a posto.

Gratuito per tutti

Gratuito per tutti

La funzione MP3 Editor è gratuita per chiunque. Non è necessario pagarci per usarlo.

Affidabile e sicuro

Affidabile e sicuro

Tutti i tuoi dati e file vengono eliminati subito dopo aver terminato. Il nostro editor musicale online gratuito non salva nessuno dei dati dell'utente. Quindi è completamente affidabile e sicuro.

Risultati precisi, di buona qualità e rapidi

Risultati precisi, di buona qualità e rapidi

Il nostro sito elabora la tua traccia audio molto rapidamente. Restituisce l'audio modificato e finale in pochi secondi. È inoltre possibile utilizzare le funzioni di zoom avanti e indietro per la precisione. Allo stesso tempo mantiene la qualità dell'audio in modo perfetto.

Fornisce supporto multipiattaforma

Fornisce supporto multipiattaforma

Il nostro strumento MP3 Editor è completamente basato sul web. Ecco perché fornisce ai nostri utenti supporto multipiattaforma. Quindi può essere utilizzato su tutti i tipi di dispositivi e tutti i sistemi operativi.

Molteplici funzionalità disponibili

Molteplici funzionalità disponibili

Questo strumento è dotato di una varietà di funzionalità che migliorano l'editing. Ti consente di tagliare l'audio, invertirlo e modificarne la velocità. Le funzionalità di editing includono la modifica delle frequenze della traccia audio: passa-basso, passa-banda e passa-alto (tutte comprese tra 0 e 20000 Hz), la modifica del Q (0-100), il guadagno (da -20 dB a 20 dB) e anche la dissolvenza della musica in ingresso o in uscita.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is it safe to allow access to my drive?

Yes, it is absolutely safe to allow and give us access to your drive. We won't be making any changes to your site and your dfiles will be safe with you.

How can I upload files from my drive/dropbox?

Click on the drop down arrow and select Dropbox/Google Drive. Select the Google account from where you want to link your drive. Now you can select the files that you want to upload.

Is it safe to use our free Online MP3 Editor?

Our free online MP3 Editor is one of the safest and most secure free online tools. It has no harmful links or unwanted ads. It is absolutely trouble-free and does its job perfectly well. At the same time, it does not save any of the user data.

Will the quality of my soundtrack deteriorate on using the Online MP3 Editor?

No. Editing your audio track won’t ruin its quality in any way. This is one of the best features of our online MP3 Editor tool. We can guarantee that there are zero glitches or static in the audio. Using our Editor will only improve your sound quality, but never deteriorate it.

How to use the MP3 Editor tool?

Using the free MP3 Editor feature is quite simple in itself. You first need to upload the audio file. You can do this by simply selecting the file you want to edit, from your device. On uploading it, it will take a second or two to process the file. After the processing is complete, our tool will display the entire track on your screen. Then, you can select the particular part of the audio file that you would like to edit. Our tool also provides zoom in and out features for more precision during editing. After selecting, you could do multiple things- cut or reverse the audio, change the Lowpass, Highpass, and Bandpass frequencies, alter the Q or the gain, or fade the audio in or out. After you are done making changes according to your needs, all you need to do is download the edited track.

What do the terms Lowpass, Highpass, Bandpass, Q, and Gain mean?

Lowpass- This helps remove undesirable frequencies above a certain limit. It s used to rule out high pitched sounds. Highpass- This lets high frequencies pass the filter and blocks frequencies below a certain limit. Bandpass- It allows frequencies within a certain range to pass while attenuating frequencies outside of it. Q- The Q factor is the Quality factor. In the editing of audio, it puts out the range of frequencies that may be affected. Gain- It allows you to improve the loudness of an audio device, which has a huge impact on the audio or recording quality.

Will editing the audio track affect its volume?

Generally speaking, editing the audio track may affect the volume of your audio track. But that is very natural because you might be increasing or decreasing the decibels in the "Gain" feature according to your requirements. While editing your audio, you might boost and change frequencies, which might affect the volume in turn. But this change won't be something undesirable, it will only change just as much as you need it to.

How to upload the audio to the MP3 Editor?

To edit the audio of a track, you first need to upload the audio file. You can do this by simply selecting the file you want to edit, from your device.

How to save the final track on my device?

Saving the altered track on your device is very simple. After adjusting the frequency, gain, playback rate, or cutting the audio according to your requirements, all you need to do is press the ‘Download’ button. That way your file will be automatically downloaded into your device.

What are the features available with this tool?

Our free MP3 Editor comes with multiple features. It lets you cut the audio just like in Audio Cutter. It lets you reverse the audio, and also lets you change the speed of the audio. Along with these additional features, it allows you to change the frequencies of the audio track- Lowpass, Bandpass, and Highpass (all ranging between 0 to 20000 Hz). It lets you change the Q (0-100), the gain(-20 dB to 20 dB), and also lets you fade in or fade out your music.

Do I have to pay for editing the audio?

No. Our online MP3 Editor is completely free to use. This tool is easily accessible and free to use for anyone with a phone, tablet, laptop, or pc. We don't charge the users for using this feature.

Can I use the MP3 Editor tool without having any audio engineering knowledge?

Our free online MP3 editing tool can be used by anybody and everybody. For using this function, you don’t need to have any knowledge of audio engineering at all. It is a website with a very simple to use interface.

While using this tool, will any ads pop up?

Not at all. Our MP3 Editor tool is completely web-based and requires no additional signup or registration. So, no advertisements will pop up if you use this tool.

Will this tool save my track to its server?

Our free online MP3 Editor does not save any of the user data. It is absolutely safe to use. Any track that the user might upload to our site for editing the audio is deleted from our cloud within a very short span of time.

How much time does it need to edit the audio?

This depends on the task you want to achieve. Using our MP3 Editor, you can change the frequencies, the gain, the Q, as well as the playback rate. You can also cut the audio or reverse it. In general, it takes just a few seconds to do each of these. So, overall, our MP3 Editor does not take a lot of time to do its work.

Will I have to sign up or log in to use this MP3 Editor tool?

No signing up or logging in is required on our website. You can use our online MP3 Editor for free and without any prompts for signing up.

Will the size of the file differ after editing the audio?

Yes. Since you'll be editing the audio, adjusting the frequencies, gain, etc., the file size of the audio might differ. But we can guarantee that in no way will that affect the quality of the audio.

What are the formats supported in the MP3 Editor tool?

Our free online MP3 Editor supports all the existing audio formats. These include MP3, OPUS, WAV, MMF, AAC, M4A, FLAC, OGG, M4R, AIFF, WMA etc. Also, we return the changed track in the same format as your uploaded track. Another huge plus point of our MP3 Editor is that, since it supports all the audio formats, you can play any audio using our site, even one that you cannot play in your mobile phone.

Does the file format change after editing?

No. Our MP3 Editor is devised in such a way that the altered file format will be of the same format as that of the uploaded file.

I refreshed the browser by mistake. What to do now?

Our site does not save the track you upload. So, if you refresh your browser, you will have to reupload the file to our tool.

Does the MP3 Editor work on mobile phones?

Yes. Our free online music editing feature works on all platforms. You can access it from your mobile phones. Simply choose the audio file that you need to edit, from your phone storage or SD card and keep or remove the part as per your need. Next, just download the file and it will be saved in your phone’s storage.

Does it support both Android and iOS platforms?

Yes, our MP3 Editor tool and all other tools support both Android and iOS platforms.

Does the MP3 Editor work on pcs and laptops?

Yes. Our online MP3 Editor is accepted on all platforms. You can use this free tool on your website from your pc and your laptop as well. It supports both Windows and Mac. All you need to do is choose a track (which has been downloaded to your pc/ laptop) that needs to be worked on and the next process is the same.

Which Windows versions does the MP3 Editor tool support?

Our MP3 Editor feature is completely web-based. Because of that, it provides our users cross-platform support. This means that our tool supports all versions of Windows. In more general terms, it supports all the versions of all Operating Systems.

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